Matt Watson (Current position: Hartland Jackson & Kieran Campbell groups at LTRI)
Deisha Paliwal (Current position: Bioengineering Undergraduate Student at McGill University)
Nayeon Hyun (Current position: Bioinformatics Undergraduate Student at UofT)
Veronica Chang (Current position: Graduate Student at UofT in the Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology department)
Ilham Abbasi (Current position: MHSc Medical Genomics Candidate at University of Toronto)
Artem Kushnirenko (Current position: Graduate Student at UofT in the Medical Biophysics department)
Jahin Kabir (Current position: Bioinformatics Undergraduate Student at UofT)
Yunhua Ren (Current position: Graduate Student at UofT)
Jianfan Ivy Nie (Current position: Graduate Student at University of Ottawa)
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